I, 32M, I'm looking for someone we can run a partnership together. The business is selling foodstuff, from potatoes, nduma, bananas, ngwaci, vegetables. I am currently in an area where buying from the farmers is cheap, and can make a decent buck in Nairobi, or any other town/city setting.
I own a small truck that we can utilize, and I have worked in a similar setting previously for someone else, so I have all the expertise needed to run the business. I would prefer someone who has been in the informal sector, or at least has some familiarity with the informal economy in our country. I'm welcoming anyone who might be interested to engage me on this post, or in my DM for more details.
UPDATE; someone from the reddit community reached out, we met and had a very eventful meeting about this venture. I believe we're on our way to a great journey of discovery. I am grateful to everyone who engaged me here.
By - show_me_the_dopamine